Speech-to-Text Reporting (also more commonly known as captioning) is an area of realtime work providing communication support for the D/deaf and hard-of-hearing communities, as well as people whose first language is not English. Hearing people also benefit from the services of an STTR. Captioning assignments include meetings, conferences, festivals, museums, seminars, lectures, or one-to-one support. The captioner can be either onsite or remote.
The primary role of an STTR is to provide communication support, not to provide a legal, official transcript. If and when a text-format document is provided by the STTR, this is purely as an aide-memoir for the service user and has no legal standing, i.e., it cannot be quoted in the Court of Appeal, for example. A disclaimer to this effect will accompany an STTR’s transcript:
DISCLAIMER: Live captioning is provided in order to facilitate communication accessibility. This document contains the real-time captions in a text format, and has not been edited, proofread, or corrected. It is not an official, legal transcript and is not certified to be true and correct. It may contain computer-generated mistranslations of palantype/stenotype code and/or electronic transmission errors, resulting in inaccurate or nonsensical word combinations.

Claire Hill
BIVR Member
Claire has been providing realtime and daily transcripts for international arbitrations since 2008, working closely with the PCA and ICSID, as well as on ICC, UNCITRAL and ad hoc arbitrations. She can provide on-site and remote services, always using a remote scopist to keep travel costs down. The transcripts are checked against audio and relevant documents, and delivered within two hours of the end of the hearing.
Claire has been providing on-site and remote live captioning since 2004. Specialising in theatre, arts and comedy, she has worked at the Edinburgh Fringe since 2016, as well as captioning at conferences and large-screen events.
Claire has a degree in Music and Grade 8 piano which has often been cited as the source for her steno ability. She enjoys the continuous opportunities for learning available to the profession, taking the CIArb course in international arbitration as well as learning QLab, the audio-visual software used in theatres.
- Member
- Arbitrations, NCRA Certified, Qualified Realtime Reporter - QRR, Realtime, Verbatim STTR/Captioning - Remote, Verbatim STTR/Captioning - On-site
- UK, EU, Worldwide
- Greater London