Members of BIVR shall:
- Uphold the reputation of the profession at all times.
- Honour all professional commitments.
- Be respectful at all times towards colleagues and members of other professions.
- Avoid any action that will adversely affect the good standing of the profession.
- Always declare a personal or prejudicial interest which could affect any party to proceedings.
- Maintain confidentiality and treat any information gained in the course of an assignment as privileged and not to be communicated to any third party, without authorisation.
- Not derive any gain from privileged information acquired in the course of work undertaken.
- Act in an impartial manner, not giving advice or personal opinion in relation to topics discussed or people present at proceedings.
- Practise only in proceedings where they have sufficient skill, experience, competence and qualifications to do so.
- Agree terms and conditions of any assignment before accepting work.
- Make every effort to maintain and develop professional skills and knowledge.