Training for verbatim reporting has undergone a considerable change with the advent of computerised shorthand machines and Computer-Aided Transcription (CAT).

The basic requirement for a court reporter is the ability to stenotype with speed and accuracy; however, of almost equal importance is a sound knowledge of the English language. An efficient court reporter must be capable of transforming often ungrammatical extempore speech into a written record which, while not distorting the original sense or intention, can be easily read and understood. Thus a good general education with a sound knowledge of the English language, plus a thorough grounding in grammar and punctuation, are necessary. Added to that is the desire to work hard.

Which Machine?
There are several different machines which court reporters use. There is stenotype machine, which is manufactured in the USA. There is also the Palantype machine, several versions of which are currently made in Britain and one in the USA. Unfortunately, at present there no training available on the Palantype machine.

Where To Start
Before deciding which machine to learn, it is advisable to arrange for a hands-on demonstration to see which machine best suits you and whether you have the aptitude to gain the necessary finger skills. There is one course in the UK in the stenotype machine.

Sorene Verbatim Reporter Training Services offer a distance learning stenography course. Contact Mary Sorene on 020 8907 8249 or mob: 07976 848674 – –

Self-study Theory & Review with Tutorials – a go-it-alone option for those who are self-motivated.

You can purchase a realtime tutorial direct from the USA – Basic Theory book, computer CD & audio CDs $425 -Convert to Sterling at current rate, (remember to add 4.9% duty, then add 17.5% VAT!) + $80 (approx) shipping. (Please check their website for up-to-date pricing and current exchange rates!)

Contact StenEdsource.
You must have a computer, plus CAT software, and realtime steno writer for this tutorial.
Stenograph is the main supplier of steno machines.