Qualified Realtime Reporter (QRR) exams consist of 5 minutes’ literary dictation at the varying below speeds in ascending and then descending order. Candidates are given a short glossary a week before the exam. They are not permitted to scope/edit their file on exam day, and must achieve a 98% pass mark. Please note that the QRR accreditation is only available to active BIVR members.
- QRR1 = 160/170/180 wpm
- QRR2 = 180/190/200 wpm
- QRR3 = 200/210/220 wpm
- QRR4 = 220/230/240 wpm
Leah Willersdorf
Contact Info
- 07962 376 542
- courtreporterlondon@gmail.com
About Our Member
Whether it be Abu Dhabi or Arusha, Dubai or Dusseldorf, Lithuania or Luxembourg, Paris or Prague, the world really is a stenographer's oyster. At the moment, however, it's Zoom or Skype, etc, and so our homes are our new oysters.
As a freelancing realtime stenographer based in London, I have extensive experience in providing realtime and transcript services for:
• US depositions – e.g. pharma, patent, telecommunications, technology
• Canadian discovery examinations
• International arbitrations – e.g. ICC, UNCITRAL, ICSID, LCIA
• Court hearings (both locally and internationally)
• Captioning – eg. Microsoft, Apple, trade unions, arts & culture, family courtThroughout the initial lockdown of 2020, I gained two American certifications - Registered Professional Reporter (RPR) and Certified Realtime Reporter (CRR). During 2022 and 2023, I passed all three legs of the Registered Merit Reporter (RMR). I also hold BIVR's Qualified Realtime Reporter accreditation (with distinction) at both level 1 (2009) and level 2 (2017). As of January 2022, I became a Fellow of the Institute.
I trained as a stenographer in 1990/91 in Brisbane. Upon graduating, I moved for work to Adelaide, which was followed by a move to London in 1995. The rest, as they say, is history.
Working remotely due to travel restrictions. For possible in-person assignments, please do contact me.
Australian passport is current and valid for travel worldwide, including to the EU from UK.
- Member
- American Depositions, Arbitrations, NCRA Certified, Qualified Realtime Reporter - QRR, Certified LiveNote Reporter
- Worldwide
- Essex, London